
Prague’s 20th-century architecture

Prague’s 20th-century architecture remains an important part of the city’s identity and cultural heritage. Many of the buildings of that era you can still see all over the city.

Prague, like many other European cities, experienced serious changes in architecture during the 20th century. The city underwent periods of Art Nouveau, Cubism, Functionalism, and Communist-era architecture, each with its own unique style.

Here are some notable examples of Prague’s architecture in the 20th century:

  1. Municipal House – Completed in 1912, this Art Nouveau building serves as a concert hall and cultural center in Prague. It is also decorated with recognizable ornaments and stained-glass windows.
  2. Villa Müller – In 1930, Adolf Loos designed this building. Villa Müller is an example of Functionalist architecture. It has clean lines, white walls, and a flat roof.
  3. The Dancing House – Also known as the Fred and Ginger Building, this postmodern structure was finished in 1996. Vlado Milunic and Frank Gehry designed this building as an image of two dancers. This house is in the center of the city next to the Vltava River, so you definitely will not be able not to pass it by.
  4. Zizkov Television Tower – Completed in 1992, this tower stands at 216 meters tall and is the tallest structure in Prague. Its design is controversial, with some thinking it an eyesore and others appreciating its unique look.
  5. Prague metro stations – Many of Prague’s metro stations were built during the Communist era, with some distinctive designs, such as the “space age” style of the Dejvická station and the colorful mosaics of the Náměstí Míru station.

These examples show the diversity of Prague’s architecture in the 20th century, with styles ranging from Art Nouveau to Functionalist to Postmodern.

Do not miss the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful architecture while walking around Prague and be aware that every building in Prague has history.